
Introduce an intermediate level of member for the compiler team, the compiler team contributor.


This proposal is part of a larger effort to introduce more structure into the compiler team's makeup. This structure should make it easier to become a part of the compiler team, by laying out a clear path to membership and by offering more official roles.

Background: Access to infrastructure

In addition to recognition, the levels in this document control access to other bits of our infrastructure. It is worth spending some time reviewing those bits of infrastructure.

bot privileges (including bors r+)

The bors bot has a central list of folks that have "r+" privileges. These are people who can leave comments instructing bors to land a PR. Similarly, we have other bots (e.g., perf-timer and so forth) that require authorization to use.

While the bors permissions are very crude (you either have privileges or you don't), we have historically asked people to use their permissions in specific ways (self-policed).

One reason that it is convenient to have r+ privileges is a purely administrative one: they allow you to re-approve PRs after they have been rebased, which is a common need. (Typically this is done by writing @bors r=username, where username is the name of the original reviewer.)

Apart from these administrative re-reviews, the expectation is that people with r+ privileges will begin by reviewing only simple PRs from parts of the compiler that they understand well. As their knowledge grows, they can approve more and more complex PRs.

highfive queue

One great way to help move the compiler along and to gain experience in its internals is to be added to the highfive queue. People on this queue are automatically assigned to do reviews for fresh PRs. Obviously, it only makes sense to be added to the queue if you have r+ privileges.

Often, it makes sense to be added to the queue even if you are not that familiar with the compiler. This is because it lets you do initial reviews of PRs, thus gaining experience with lots of parts of the compiler. If you don't feel like you fully understood the PR, then -- after your initial review -- you can then re-assign the PR to someone more senior. (The "expert map" is a good way to find such folks.)

rust-lang org membership

There are a number of things that you can't do in GitHub unless you are a member of the GitHub organization. Typically, one becomes a member of the organization by being added to a team, and these teams in turn are granted privileges to repositories in the organization. Most notably:

  • you cannot be assigned to issues unless you have at least read access to a repository;
  • you cannot modify labels without write access;
  • you cannot be a member of a team, which means you cannot be addressed via some alias like @rust-lang/compiler-team;
  • you do not get the little "member" badge appearing next to your name when you comment.

The last point is potentially important: by being made a member of the org, you are to some extent representing that org, as you are visibility identified as a member. These can be important in terms of the code of conduct, as we wish for representatives of rust-lang to take extra care in their public interaction. In particular, this implies we might not want to allow anyone to make themselves a member of the org.


The triagebot is an "upcoming" piece of infrastructure that should allow any GitHub user to make some changes to issues on rust-lang repositories. In particular, one would be able to instruct the triagebot to do the following:

  • adjust labels on issues
  • assign oneself to the issue

Because the triagebot can be used by anyone, and not just org members, assigning works as follows:

  • the issue is officially assigned to the triagebot (as far as Github is concerned, that is)
  • the issue header is edited to indicate that it is assigned to the user in question

This is a bit less good than being assigned to the issue as an org member, since it means that your username and picture do not appear next to the issue, but it's still pretty decent and should suffice for most purposes.

Guide-level explanation

The path to membership

People will typically start as a working group participant, which is basically somebody who has come to work on something for the first time. They don't know much about the compiler yet and have no particular privileges. They are assigned to issues using the triagebot and (typically) work with a mentor or mentoring instructions.

Compiler team contributors

Once a working group participant has been contributing regularly for some time, they can be promoted to the level of a compiler team contributor (see the section on how decisions are made below). This title indicates that they are someone who contributes regularly.

It is hard to define the precise conditions when such a promotion is appropriate. Being promoted to contributor is not just a function of checking various boxes. But the general sense is that someone is ready when they have demonstrated three things:

  • "Staying power" -- the person should be contributing on a regular basis in some way. This might for example mean that they have completed a few projects.
  • "Independence and familiarity" -- they should be acting somewhat independently when taking on tasks, at least within the scope of the working group. They should plausibly be able to mentor others on simple PRs.
  • "Cordiality" -- contributors will be members of the organization and are held to a higher standard with respect to the Code of Conduct. They should not only obey the letter of the CoC but also its spirit.

Being promoted to contributor implies a number of privileges:

  • Contributors have r+ privileges and can do reviews (they are expected to use those powers appropriately, as discussed previously). They also have access to control perf/rustc-timer and other similar bots.
  • Contributors are members of the organization so they can modify labels and be assigned to issues.
  • Contributors are a member of the rust-lang/compiler team on GitHub, so that they receive pings when people are looking to address the team as a whole.
  • Contributors will be listed on the compiler expert map, which lists folks who are familiar with each area of the compiler.
  • Contributors are listed on the web page and invited to the Rust All Hands.

It also implies some obligations (in some cases, optional obligations):

  • Contributors will be asked if they wish to be added to highfive rotation.
  • Contributors are held to a higher standard than ordinary folk when it comes to the Code of Conduct.

Compiler team members

As a contributor gains in experience, they may be asked to become a compiler team member. This implies that they are not only a regular contributor, but are actively helping to shape the direction of the team or some part of the compiler (or multiple parts).

  • Compiler team members are the ones who select when people should be promoted to compiler team contributor or to the level of member.
  • Compiler team members are consulted on FCP decisions (which, in the compiler team, are relatively rare).
  • There will be a distinct GitHub team containing only the compiler team members, but the name of this team is "to be determined".
  • Working groups must always include at least one compiler team member as a lead (though groups may have other leads who are not yet full members).

How promotion decisions are made

Promotion decisions (from participant to contributor, and from contributor to member) are made by having an active team member send an e-mail to the alias This e-mail should include:

  • the name of the person to be promoted
  • a draft of the public announcement that will be made

Compiler-team members should send e-mail giving their explicit assent, or with objections. Objections should always be resolved before the decision is made final. E-mails can also include edits or additions for the public announcement.

To make the final decision:

  • All objections must be resolved.
  • There should be a "sufficient number" (see below) of explicit e-mails in favor of addition (including the team lead).
  • The nominator (or some member of the team) should reach out to the person in question and check that they wish to join.

We do not require all team members to send e-mail, as historically these decisions are not particularly controversial. For promotion to a contributor, the only requirement is that the compiler team lead agrees. For promotion to a full member, more explicit mails in favor are recommended.

Once we have decided to promote, then the announcement can be posted to internals, and the person added to the team repository.

Not just code

It is worth emphasizing that becoming a contributor or member of the compiler team does not necessarily imply writing PRs. There are a wide variety of tasks that need to be done to support the compiler and which should make one eligible for membership. Such tasks would include organizing meetings, participating in meetings, bisecting and triaging issues, writing documentation, working on the rustc-guide. The most important criteria for elevation to contributor, in particular, is regular and consistent participation. The most important criteria for elevation to member is actively shaping the direction of the team or compiler.

Alumni status

If at any time a current contributor or member wishes to take a break from participating, they can opt to put themselves into alumni status. When in alumni status, they will be removed from Github aliases and the like, so that they need not be bothered with pings and messages. They will also not have r+ privileges. Alumni members will however still remain members of the GitHub org overall.

People in alumni status can ask to return to "active" status at any time. This request would ordinarily be granted automatically barring extraordinary circumstances.

People in alumni status are still members of the team at the level they previously attained and they may publicly indicate that, though they should indicate the time period for which they were active as well.

Changing back to contributor

If desired, a team member may also ask to move back to contributor status. This would indicate a continued desire to be involved in rustc, but that they do not wish to be involved in some of the weightier decisions, such as who to add to the team. Like full alumni, people who were once full team members but who went back to contributor status may ask to return to full team member status. This request would ordinarily be granted automatically barring extraordinary circumstances.

Automatic alumni status after 6 months of inactivity

If a contributor or a member has been inactive in the compiler for 6 months, then we will ask them if they would like to go to alumni status. If they respond yes or do not respond, they can be placed on alumni status. If they would prefer to remain active, that is also fine, but they will get asked again periodically if they continue to be inactive.


Why should we not do this?

Rationale and alternatives

This RFC represents, effectively, the smallest extension to our structure that could possibly work. One could imagine more elaborate structures along a few dimensions.

More senior levels of membership. One concern is that the set of members of the compiler team may grow too large for things like FCP (where each person must check their box) to be feasible. This could be resolved by moving away from FCP-based decision making (which is rarely used in the compiler anyhow), but it may also be worth considering another level of membership (e.g., a senior member). Senior members could be used for FCP-level decisions, which would presumably be relatively rare. At present there is a kind of implicit amount of "seniority" amongst members, where the opinions of people who have been around for longer are obviously given great weight, but formalizing this could have value.

Specialists and organizers. Right now, we don't draw a distinction between people who write code and those who (for example) perform more organizational roles (as of the time of this writing, we don't have any members who perform more organizational roles exclusively, but that is a likely future development). There will definitely be contributors who would rather not participate in the more organizational aspects of running the team, but would prefer to simply write code. As the team gets more and more organized, it seems likely that we may want to recognize this distinction, just to avoid things like pinging folks with organizational questions when they are not interested in that. But we could also address this by growing more kinds of groups within the set of members, such that one rarely pings the full set of members.

Prior art

The compiler team has always drawn a distinction between r+ privileges, which were granted relatively easily, and full team membership. However, the rules and expectations were not formally written out as they are here. Many other projects seem to operate in a similarly informal fashion (e.g., @goldfirere indicates that GHC tends to give privileges "when someone starts contributing a lot").

Here is a brief survey (by no means complete) of the process used in a few other open source communities:

Unresolved questions

Are "contributor" and "member" the best names to use? The term "member" is used pretty universally amongst subteams to refer to "decision makers", so I wanted to stick to it, but I was tempted by other terms like "member" and "senior member".

What set of privileges should be retained in alumni status? For example, should you still have r+ privileges? I'm inclined to say no.

What level of inactivity merits one for alumni status? The RFC presently says 6 months, but that number was pulled out of a (metaphorical) hat.

Future possibilities

In the future, it would be good to add an "active mentorship" plan for helping people move from contributor to full member. This idea is presently filed as rust-lang/compiler-team#56.

To make more explicit room for non-coding contributors, we should consider allowing contributors and members to set a "subtitle" describing their role in the project. This idea is presently filed as rust-lang/compiler-team#64.

We may want to refine the notion of alumni. In particular, members may wish to drop back to contributor level without becoming full alumni, and this RFC doesn't account for that (but it also doesn't preclude it).